President's Message
Welcome to the website of Kozhikode District Association, Kuwait.
It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the website of Kozhikode District Association (KDA), Kuwait – a socio-cultural organization formed by Kozhikode District natives residing in Kuwait. KDA Kuwait came into existence in January 2010 as a secular, non-political organization. The Association promotes solidarity, arts and culture including social welfare of the community among its members and well-wishers through various activities. Within a span of five years our Association has gained a coveted position amongst the organizations in Kuwait owing to ample support from its members and well-wishers.
Kozhikode –one of the ancient ports in India known for spices was historically famous for trade relationship with Europe & Arabs countries from centuries back. The people of Kozhikode are honest and trustworthy in the past and present. The region’s culture and tradition in treating guests are unique and highlighted by many who enjoyed it while visiting Kozhikode. The 'City of Truth' is well known for its love, hospitality and religious tolerance.
Kozhikode District Association is the home for all Kozhikode natives living in Kuwait. The association is keen in helping members in all areas where assistance is required. The association maintains a member benefit scheme, which assures financial aids to the members as per its policy; in case they met any accident. Also the scheme grant Rs. 200,000 to the member’s family in India in case death occurs while his/her membership exists.
With the concept of “Small drops make a big ocean” we have formed a charity scheme named “Karunyam” focusing poor people who are in distress situation either in Kuwait or inour home land for treatment of severe illnesses.
With focus on strengthening solidarity among the community, KDA set stages for various cultural activities. With long list of annually scheduled cultural programs and activities,KDA is always in the forefrontfor improving talents of budding artists, inspiring academic scholars and honoringdignitaries in the society.
Our vision in giving empowerment to women havebeen found very successful since formation of an independent wing named “Mahilavedi” in 2012 for taking care of issues related to women in the society. Also it guides in bringing ladies to the leadership and amass their strength for the betterment of the society. Under Mahilavedi, a sub-unit named “Balavedi” is active for givingguidance to children on higher studies, career and leadership development, inspiring talented artists etc.
Everybody deserves respect because we are all humans. All people are equal and yet they are different. Each one of us is blessed with unique and individual skills and creative talents that will allow us to serve our community in different ways. The Association will only be strong and successful when each one of us takes initiative in building the unity and helping the other when it needs. KDA keeps it door opened to all well-wishers for joining in its team either through your active membership, support and/or participation. We welcome your suggestions, recommendations and criticisms that could strengthen the Association further.
I convey my gratitude from the bottom of my heart for all the support you have been extending throughout for making the Association reach thus far. Let us all join together in the true spirit of Kozhikode to make our association at its best.
With warm greetings,
Sincerely yours
Haneef C